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Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board


Activities of Training center


1.To enhance the capacity of the employees to meet the present and future challenges in their works.

2.This will not only increase the efficiency of the organization but also it will boost the employees own satisfaction.

3.Metrowater, as a part of capacity building exercise, has established its Staff Training Centre in 1982.

4.The Training Centre is situated at No.56,Raji street, Ayanavaram, Chennai-23 (adjoining the Kilpauk Water Treatment plant) headed by a Director in the cadre of Superintending Engineer under the control of Engineering Director.


The Policies relating to the functioning of the Training Centre are approved by a Governing Council.

The members are

Managing Director Chairman
Executive Director Vice Chairman
Finance Director Member
Engineering Director Member
Director(Training Centre) Member


Air conditioned Meeting Hall with a capacity of 75 Nos. seating capacity with LCD Projector


Air conditioned Class Rooms (3 nos) altogether with the seating capacity of 100 Nos.with LCD Projectors.


Library (a collection of about 2900 books in Engineering and Management categories)


↳Click here to Download Book List

Administrative Office Building


Dining Hall



Facility with 3Nos. Single and 5Nos. of Double bed rooms with A.C, T.V., Study Table, Water Heater and Dining Hall at a nominal Fee of Rs.200/- per person/participant.


The Training Centre premise is under CCTV surveillance system.


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Hostel Photos


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  1. The Training Centre premise is under CCTV surveillance system.
  2. Conducting CPHEEO sponsored training programmes with working lunch for Board Staff as well as Staff from other States.
  3. Nominating Board Staff for CPHEEO training programmes conducted by the other States.
  4. Conducting Special Training Programmes.
  5. Conducting Departmental Test for the Board Staff once in a year.
  6. According Permission for Field visits, In-plant training and Data Collection for Students/Faculty members of Institutions/Universities.
  7. Around 44 course titles have been proposed every year for In-house training programme under the following modules.
  8. Water Supply and Sewage Disposal
    ☞Operation and Maintenance
    ☞Water Quality
    ☞Project Management
    ☞Finance Management
    ☞Information Technology
    ☞Human Resource Development
  9. Every year on an average 2500 staff including Field workers of our Board are being benefited by the In-house Training programmes.
  10. Last year (2020 – 2021) on an average 400 staff of our Board were benefited by the In-house Training programmes conducted through Online due to COVID -19 pandemic situation


The Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India is sponsoring five refresher courses on various topics related to Public Health every year at Training Centre for Board Staff as well as for Staff from other States.

These courses are being conducted from November to February on every year.

Name of the Course Duration in days
Sewage Works Supervisors 10
Corrosion Control 05
Care and use of Chlorinators 05
Filter Operations 07
Laying of Water mains and Sewer mains 05


Click here to download Training Calendar 2024-2025


⚘ The field training was conducted to all the field workers in their locations on “Safety Practices” emphasizing the Tamil Nadu Government order on Prohibition of Human entry into the Manhole and Safety procedure to be adopted in handling the equipment used for Sewerage System Management.

⚘ Orientation course to the newly recruited Assistant Engineers and other staffs to gain knowledge quickly to handle the day to day activities rather than learning from on job training.

⚘ Tailored Training program was imparted for TNHB engineers on the Topic "Mechanical Electrical and plumbing (MEP), Water Supply & Sewerage Disposal and Treatment Systems for MSB (Multi Storey Building)& ADS (Area Development Scheme), Providing Water Treatment Plants (or) dedicated Water Supply and Sewerage.

⚘ Special Transaction Audit / Stock Audit Training was imparted for the staff of CMWSSB.

⚘ Robotic equipment to clean machine hole by ONGC  was imparted to staff and Field workers of CMWSSB.

⚘ Capacity development - On job training for 400 MLD Desalination Project for all the staff of CMWSSB

⚘ Tailored training programs of Water Quality module was imparted to engineers from Southern Railway and

⚘ Special training for World Bank aided projects on "Procurement  and Contracts Management" was conducted in collaboration with ASCI Hyderabad.



⚘ The 39th Departmental Test for the Technical and the Administrative staff of the Board was conducted in training centre during October 2019.

⚘ The results of the papers evaluated by the panel of examiners will be published by the Training Centre.

⚘ It is Mandatory to qualify in the prescribed Departmental test for considering the individuals and all categories for their first promotion post.

⚘ The 40th Departmental Test to be conducted during October 2020 was postponed to factor in the COVID-19 Regulations.


⚘ Manuals published by the Training Centre
1. Safety Practice on Sewage and Septage Management
2. Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage Systems
3. Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage Treatment Plants
⚘ These are useful guides for the safety operations in the Management of Sewerage System and Treatment System.
⚘ Hand Books published on 5 topics viz.
(i) Water Treatment Plant,
(ii) Operation and Maintenance (Water Supply & Sewer System),
(iii) Sewage Treatment Plant,
(iv) Operation Procedures of Planning and Design / Contracts and Monitoring / Quality Assurance / Training Centre and
(v) Civil Works.

Highlighting the Activities/Nature of work involved in each of the above Engineering Section to have an insight for Newly recruited Engineers.

Exams were conducted through online mode in, a free software for conducting online test during January to February 2021 to ascertain the proficiency gained out of the 5 hand Books published by Training Centre.


⚘ Conducting Training Programme via Online mode through Google meet comprising faculty and the staff selected for the Training. Feed back about the session, Assessment of the individual of the Training Prog. and the Certificates are sent to the concerned staff in the online mode itself.

⚘ Auto CAD software purchased for the Computer Lab and action taken for providing access to the Auto CAD software to the needy Staff (Engineers) for Official purpose through Direct access (@ Training Centre) / Remote access (from their respective work location through Any Desk application).


Permission is accorded for students of Educational Institutions / Universities who wish to attend In-plant training & Data / Sample collection for their project purpose at any of the following Board’s Treatment Plants or Administrative / Finance / Technical wings at Head Office on payment of Rs.300/- + 18% GST per head / plant / day.

⚘ Water Treatment Plants
Kilpauk WTP
Puzhal WTP
Chembarambakkam WTP
Vadakuthu WTP
⚘ Sewage Treatment Plants
Kodungaiyur STP
Koyambedu STP
Nesapakkam STP
Perungudi STP

Payment may be made either through Demand Draft payable at Chennai in favour of "Resource Centre. CMWSSB" or cash payment vide Current Account No.8439201000239 in any branches of Canara Bank and the original receipt of the same along with the Bonafide Certificate from the Institution is to be submitted in person at Training Centre, Ayanavaram.

↳Click here to Download In-Plant Training proforma


Permission is accorded for Students / Faculty members of Educational Institutions / Universities who wish to visit any of the following Board's Treatment Plants on payment of Rs.118/- per head / plant / day subject to the minimum of Rs.2,950/- + 18% GST per batch / plant (restricted to 25 students per batch).

⚘ Water Treatment Plants
Kilpauk WTP
Puzhal WTP
Chembarambakkam WTP
Vadakuthu WTP
Nemmeli Desalination Plant
⚘ Sewage Treatment Plants
Kodungaiyur STP
Koyambedu STP
Nesapakkam STP
Perungudi STP

Payment may be made either through Demand Draft payable at Chennai in favour of "Resource Centre. CMWSSB" or cash payment vide Current Account No.8439201000239 in any branches of Canara Bank and the original receipt of the same along with the requisition letter from the Institution / University along with name list of the students for visit is to be submitted in person at Training Centre, Ayanavaram or can be sent through Post to the Training Centre address as in the Proforma given. Further only after receiving the originals said, the permissions will be accorded for field visits.

↳Click here to Download Field Visit proforma


S.No Name of the Faculty Tmt. &Tvl.
1. Tmt. P.C.Valli,Director(Training Centre),Superintending Engineer
2. Tmt. P.Karpagam, Superintending Engineer
3. Tmt. J.Suganthy, Superintending Engineer
4. Tmt. K.Barathi, Superintending Engineer
5. Tmt. R.Chitra, Superintending Engineer
6. Thiru. C.Gajendran,Executive Engineer
7. Thiru. V.Sivakumar, Executive Engineer
8. Thiru. K.Kalaichelvan, Executive Engineer
9. Thiru. T.Udaykumar, COF
10. Tmt. E.Priyadarshini, DCOF
11. Thiru. P.S.Vijaya Kumar, DCOF
12. Thiru. M.S Ananda Kumar, Executive Engineer
13. Thiru. R.Jones, Executive Engineer
14. Tmt. K.Sri Devi, Executive Engineer
15. Tmt. P.Mythili, Assistant Executive Engineer
16. Thiru. Y.P. Rajesh, Assistant Executive Engineer, Training Centre
17. Tmt. S.Vinitha, Assistant Executive Engineer, Training Centre
18. Tmt. S.Vijayalakshmi, Assistant Executive Engineer, Training Centre
19. Tmt.V.Sasikala, Assistant Engineer, Training Centre
20. Tmt. M.Sumathi, SAO
21. Tmt. K.Bhargavi, SAO
22. Thiru. T.Rajesh Kannan, SAO
23. Tmt. T.Saveetha, SAO
24. Tmt. B.Vijayalakshmi SAO
25. Thiru. R.Ramesh, SAO
26. Thiru. K.Arun Kumar, SAO
27. Thiru. S.Muthuganesh, SAO
28. Tmt. V.Padamavathi, AO
29. Tmt. K.Meena, Asst
30. Tmt.G. Sajitha Parveen, Jr.Asst
31. Thiru. S.Vincent, Data Processing Manager-I i/c.,
32. Thiru. T.Vedachalam, Data Processing Manager-II i/c.,
33. Thiru. T.Anbuchelvam, Jr.Asst
34. Thiru. M.R.Bharath, Jr.Asst
35. Tmt. E.Rajasri, Jr.Asst
36. Thiru. S.Manikandan Jr.Asst


S.No Name of the Faculty
1. Dr. A.Mani, E.D,(Retd.)CMWSSB, HOD, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research
2. Tmt. Gita Kumar F.D (Retd.)CMWSSB
3. Thiru.Dr. T.Selva Kumar Assistant Engineer (VRS)CMWSSB Professor, Saveetha Engineering College
4. Dr. M. Meena,Professor,R.M.K. Engineering College
5. Dr.U.Sathis kumar,Assisstant Professor, Chennai Institute of Technology
6. Dr.A.Raj Kumar,Assisstant Professor(Yoga),Veltech University
7. Dr.A.Dhanalakshmi,Professional Skill Trainer
8. Th.S.Nagaraj, WRD Consultant
9. Thiru. A.Abdul Rasheed Chief Engineer (Retd.)CMWSSB
10. Thiru. A.L.Radhakrishnan,S.E(Retd.), CMWSSB
11. Thiru. K.Balasubramanian,S.E(Retd.)
12. Thiru. N.N.Vijaya Rajan S.E (Retd.,) CMWSSB
13. Thiru. V.Baskar S.E (Retd.,) CMWSSB
14. Thiru. T.Kulandaivelu, S.E (Retd.,) CMWSSB
15. Thiru. S.Ramachandran, Executive Engineer(Retd.,) CMWSSB
16. Thiru. G.Balakrishnan, Executive Engineer (Retd.)CMWSSB
17. Thiru. V.M.Nainadurai, Executive Engineer (Retd.)CMWSSB
18. Thiru. K.Murugan, Executive Engineer (Retd.)
19. Thiru. K.E.Elumalai, DCOF (Retd.)CMWSSB
20. Thiru. J.Palaniraj, Assistant Executive Engineer, (Retd),CMWSSB
21. Thiru. D.Manoharan, Assistant Executive Engineer (Retd.,)CMWSSB
22. Thiru. M.Vijayakumar, Assistant Executive Engineer (Retd.,)CMWSSB
23. Thiru. M.Thanigairasu, Assistant Executive Engineer (Retd.,)CMWSSB
24. Thiru. M.Kalidasan, S.A.O (Retd.) CMWSSB
25. Thiru. G.Seetharaman, S.A.O (Retd.) CMWSSB
26. Thiru. M.Shanmugaga Sundaram System Analyst(Retd)CMWSSB
27. Thiru. A.Vivekanandhan, Chief Chemist (Retd.).CMWSSB
28. Thiru. G.Rishikeshan, Junior Engineer (Retd.,)CMWSSB
29. Thiru. R.Panneeer Selvam, Executive Engineer, (Retd.,)TWAD
30. Thiru. P.Balakrishnan, Senior Water Analyst(Retd.,)TWAD
31. Thiru. R.Chellathambi IAO (Retd.,)TNEB
32. Thiru. A.Gowthaman Advocate, High Court, Chennai
33. Thiru. T.Pon Lakshmanan.Advocate High Court (Retd). Chennai
34. Dr. S.Baskar, Principal Scientist, SERC
35. Dr. S.N.Venkatesan, RTI Consultant
36. Dr. G.V, Kumar, Consultant Psychologist, VISAKHA-Psychometric Division
37. Dr. V.Anand Kumar, Asst. Professor, Anna University, Chennai
38. Dr. Johnson, General Physician, GREMALTES Hospital
39. Thiru. K.S. Sridharan, HRD Consultant
40. Thiru. N.Velayutham, M.D, Femec Tech Pvt Ltd
41. Thiru. Syed Amir Basha, Head, Nemmili Desal Plant (VA Tech)
42. Thiru. Madhavan Unni, Nemmeli Desal Plant (VA Tech)
43. Thiru. Harish, Instrumentation Engineer, Nemmeli Desal Plant
44. Thiru. Amir Basha, VA Tech
45 Thiru. Manavai, Va. Elango, Yoga Instructor
46. Thiru. Arul MozhiVarman, Minjur Desal Plant Consultant.
47. Thiru. K.Ponmariappan, Asst. Dist. Officer, TNFRS
48. Thiru. S.Madhivanan, Director, Tech-BUZZ
49. Thiru. R.Baskaran, Ambulance Services
50. Thiru. CADD Centre Training Services Pvt. Ltd
51. Thiru. Vinzas Solutions India Pvt. Ltd
52. Thiru. R.Sathish Kumar, HRD Consultant
53. Thiru. R.S.N.Datta, Electrosteel Castings
54. Thiru. S.V.Sreeraj, Director (Emcog Solutions)
55. Tmt.J.Gajalakshmi ,Inspector of Police(WAP section)
56. Thiru. R.Dharuman, System Analyst (Retd) CMWSSB
57. Thiru. P.Baskar, System Analyst (Retd) CMWSSB