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Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board


Incentives for Early Tax Payers

As per Board resolution 102/2024, dated 8.8.2024, “In case the Water and Sewerage Tax due for the half-year is paid within thirty days from the date of commencement of the half-year, the Assessee shall be granted an incentive of five per cent of the Water and Sewerage tax payable for that half year, subject to a maximum of one thousand and five hundred rupees per assessment effective from 2nd half year of 2024-25 onwards”.

# Minimum Tariff for domestic consumers with either Water or Sewer or both the connections has been revised to Rs.100 per month with effect from 01.10.2024 as per Board Resolution No.105/2024 dated 08.08.2024

METERED CONSUMERS - TARIFF "With effect from 01-Apr-2024

Category Qty of water Rate/KL in Rs. Minimum Rate
Chargeable (including
sew charges)in Rs.
Frequency of billing
Residential (i) Domestic Residential
premises (Other than Flats
or Block or line of Houses)
Upto 10 KL 6.00 #Rs.100/- per month per dwelling unit Monthly
  11 to 15KL 18.00    
  16 to 25 KL 28.00    
  Above 25 KL 45.00    
(ii) Flats or houses in a Block of flats or
line of houses respectively used wholly
for residential purposes. Total
consumption divided by no. of flats.(Not applicable to Dedicated mains)
Upto 10 KL 6.00 #Rs.100/- per month per flat Monthly
  11 to 15KL 18.00    
  16 to 25 KL 28.00    
  Above 25 KL 45.00    
B. Commercial Private Hospital - upto 500 KL Rs.126/KL.   Rs.2051/- * (Water Intensive) Monthly
  All others upto - 500 KL Rs.90/KL.   Rs.953/- (Non Water Intensive)  
  Private Hospitals - above 500 KL Rs.205/KL. for entire quantity.   Rs.2051/- * (Water Intensive) Monthly
  All others - above 500 KL Rs.148/KL. for entire quantity   Rs.1758/- * (Water intensive) Monthly
  Industry Upto – 500 KL Rs.90/KL   Rs.953 /- (Water intensive) Monthly
  Industry – above 500 KL
Rs.176/KL for entire quantity
C. Partly commercial Upto 10 KL 10.00    
  11 to 15 KL 29.00 Rs.277.00 Monthly
  above 15 KL 45.00    
D. Institutional i) Pvt. Edn. Institution. 104.00/K.L. entire quantity Rs.953.00 Monthly
  ii) Govt. Hospital 53/K.L. entire quantity Rs.514.00 Monthly
  iii) All others 75.00/K.L. entire quantity Rs.733.00 Monthly
E. Municipal Bulk supply Entire consumption 32.66/KL - Monthly
E. (i) Municipal Bulk supply Entire consumption 7.00 /KL (wherever Local bodies met the cost of infrastructure) - Monthly
* Sewerage charges at 25% on water supply charges wherever sewer connections are provided        
* Water intensive means premises used fully or partly as Theatres, Hotels, BoardingHouses, Lodges, Clubs, Private Hospitals, Private Hostels, Kalyanamandapams, Clinic with inpatient facility, Swimming baths Places for keeping animals, Vehicle Service Stations, Nurseries.        
F. i. Hydrant and Public Supply
per fountain per month including maintenance charges
  Rs.1200/- Monthly
  ii. Maintenance charges      
G. i. Mobile Water Supply to Slums   Rs.39/- per 1000 litres for entire quantity supplied. + Hire charges Monthly
  ii. Maintenance charges for steel tanks   Rs.600/- per month per tank  
  Mobile Water supply to customers      
  i. Domestic
including Hostels of Colleges and Schools
Recognised by State/Central Govt./Govt.Qtrs. etc.
  Rs.475/- per load of 6000 litres
Rs.700/- per load of 9000 litres
Rs.1200/- per load of 16000 litres
  ii.Partly Commercial
a) Domestic purpose
  Rs.475/- per load of 6000 litres
Rs.700/- per load of 9000 litres
Rs.1200/- per load of 16000 litres
  b) Other than Domestic purpose   Rs.770/- per load of 6000 litres
Rs.1100/- per load of 9000 litres
Rs.1870/- per load of 16000 litres
  iii. Commercial(Including Private Hospital)   Rs.770/- per load of 6000 litres
Rs.1100/- per load of 9000 litres
Rs.1870/- per load of 16000 litres
  iv. Institutional
a) Private Educational Institution including Hostels
  Rs.770/- per load of 6000 litres
Rs.1100/- per load of 9000 litres
Rs.1870/- per load of 16000 litres
  b) Govt. Offices/Schools/ Colleges/Hospitals etc.   Rs.499/-per load of 6000 litres
Rs.735/- per load of 9000 litres
Rs.1260/- per load of 16000 litres
  v. Water supply at the Metro water filling points
a) Domestic: Including Govt. Schools/Colleges/Offices/
  Rs.40/- per 1000 litres  
  b) Commercial: Including Private Hospitals/Private
Educational Institutions.
  Rs.60/- per 1000 litres  
  vi. For the employees of the Chennai Metropolitan Water
Supply and Sewerage Board who desires to avail the lorry
water supply for their own household requirements, the
cost will be calculated at actual cost price.
  Rs.200/- per load of 6,000 litres
Rs.300/- per load of 9,000 litres
I. Hire charges for tanks hired out   Rs.250/- for two days and Rs.50/- for every additional day.  

UN-METERED CONSUMERS-TARIFF "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Category Water charges/Month (including sewerage charges) Sewer charges/Month Frequency of Billing
A. Domestic      
(i)Domestic Residential premises
(Other than Flats or Block or line of Houses)
#Rs.100/- per month per dwelling unit   Half yearly
(ii) Flats or houses in a Block of flats or line
of houses respectively used wholly for residential purposes
#Rs.100/- per month per flat   Half yearly
B. Commercial Water Intensive
Private Hospitals Rs.2051/ p.m.
All othersRs.1758/- p.m.

Non Water Intensive
All Others Rs.953/- p.m.
  Half yearly
C. Partly Commercial Rs.277/- p.m.   Half yearly
D. Institutional i) Pvt. Educational Institution - Rs.953/- p.m.
ii) Govt. Hospitals - Rs.514/- p.m.
iii) All others - Rs.733/- p.m.
  Half yearly
E. Public supply Tube Well Pumps or Mark II pumps. Rs.40/- Rs.10/- Half yearly

COMMERCIAL Sewer Charges-TARIFF "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

(a)For Sewer charges for Theatres "with effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Particulars Sewer charges
Upto 500 Seats Rs.5324/- per month
501 - 1000 Seats Rs.7986/- per month
More than 1000 Seats Rs.9983/- per month

(b) For Sewer charges for Shopping Malls with Theatres at Rs.33275 per month " With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

(c)For Sewer charges for Kalyanamandapam and Party Hall "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Particulars Sewer charges
Upto 500 Seats Rs.5324- per month
More than 500 Seats Rs.9983/- per month

(d)For Sewer charges for Hotels and Restaurants "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Particulars Sewer charges
Without Party Hall Rs.3993/- per month
With Party Hall Rs.6655/- per month

e)For Sewer charges for Hotels with lodging facility and holiday rentals "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Particulars Sewer charges
Upto 50 Rooms Rs.4659/- per month
51 - 100 Rooms Rs.9317/- per month
More than 100 Rooms Rs.13310/- per month

f)For Sewer charges for Star Hotels "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Particulars Sewer charges
Upto 50 Rooms Rs.13310/- per month
51 - 100 Rooms Rs.19965/- per month
More than 100 Rooms Rs.26620/- per month

g)For the tariff for Sewer charges for clubs "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Particulars Sewer charges
With Outdoor Sports Facility Rs.9983/- per month
With Loading Facility Rs.5324/- per month
Others Rs.3328/- per month

h)For Sewer charges for Boarding House / Hostels at Rs.3328 per month "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

i)For Sewer charges for Private Hospitals "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Particulars Sewer charges
Upto 25 Rooms Rs.4659/- per month
26 - 50 Rooms Rs.6655/- per month
51 - 100 Rooms Rs.7986/- per month
More than 100 Rooms Rs.9983/- per month

j)For Sewer charges for Commercial – Non Water Intensive Category "With effect from 01-Apr-2024"

Particulars Sewer charges
Upto 1000 Sq. ft Rs.368/- per month
1001 - 5000 Sq. ft Rs.733/- per month
5001 - 50000 Sq. ft Rs.2929/- per month
50001 - 100000 Sq. ft Rs.5857/- per month
100001 - 200000 Sq. ft Rs.9983/- per month
More than 200000 Sq. ft Rs.19965/- per month


a. Domestic #Rs.100/- p.m. Half yearly
b. Non domestic others Rs.368/- p.m. Half yearly
c. Non domestic with water main (Water Intensive) Rs.1465/- p.m. Half yearly
d. Raw Sewer Rs.0.10/KL.  
e. Treated Sewer Rs.27.00/KL. Effect from 01.07.2023

* Water intensive means premises used fully or partly as Theatres, Hotels, Boarding Houses, Lodges, Clubs, Private Hospitals, Private Hostels, Kalyanamandapams, Clinic with inpatient facility, Swimming Baths, Places for keeping animals, Vehicle Service Stations, Nurseries.

Rates of Taxation (per annum)

1) Water Tax 1.5% of assessed annual value.

2) Sewerage Tax 5.5 % of assessed annual value


2% per month on recurring basis for the belated payment for water and Sew. Tax and other than domestic categories including metered and 1.5% per month for Domestic category upto 31.3.03 and reduced to 1% per month with effect from 1.7.23 for all category of consumers/assessees.

The Board is empowered to levy Surcharge towards belated payment as per Section 81(2)J of CMWSSB Act 1978 and the same confirmed vide Judgment in W.P.No.17906/2000, and WMP.No.25965 of 2000, dated 3.12.2002.

Sale of water through lorries : - Within 24 hours "With effect from        01-Apr-2023"

Category Amount/Per load of 6 KL Amount/Per load of 9 KL Amount/Per load of 16 KL
(including Hostels of Colleges and Schools
Recognized by State/Central Govt./Govt. Qtrs. Etc.
Rs 475/- Rs 700/- Rs 1200/-
Partly Commercial      
Domestic purpose
Other than Domestic purpose
Rs.475/- Rs.700/-
Rs 1050/-
Rs 1785/-
(including private Hospitals)   - -
Private Educational Institution incl. Hostels.
Govt. Offices/Schools/Colleges/Hospitals etc.
Rs.200/- Per test

Name Transfer fee of Rs.100/- per Name transfer up to I/2024-25.

Name Transfer fee is Nil w.e.f. II/2024-25 as per Board Resolution 99/2024, dated 8.8.2024.

Applicable Water charges for the premises with dedicated water mains

"Since the buildings/Premises which or provided with dedicated water main are privileged to get more quantity, they cannot be equated with the other consumers getting water supply from common mains. Therefore the method of dividing the total consumption by number of flats is not applicable to the multistoreyed buildings, special buildings/multi assessed buildings wherein water is supplied through dedicated main. Hence, the charges at the applicable rates should be claimed for the total quantity of water supplied to building/premises with dedicated main"