Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
RTI Introduction
1.1 In order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority and to empower the citizens to secure access to information under the control of each public authority, the Government of India have enacted “The Right to Information Act, 2005”, (R.T.I Act) which came into force on 12.10.2005. In accordance with the provisions of section 4(1) (b) of this Act, the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board has brought out this Manual for information and guidance of the general public.
1.2 The purpose of this Manual is to inform the general public about the organizational set-up of this Board, the functions and duties of its officers and employees and records and documents available with the Board.
1.3 This manual is aimed at the public in general and users of the services and provides information about the schemes, projects and programmes being implemented by the Board and the Organisations/Departments under its administrative control.
1.4 The Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board has Appointed 43 officers (PIO) for matters concerning the Board.
1.5 The procedure and fee structure for getting information are as under:-
a. A request for obtaining information under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the RTI Act shall be made in writing or through electronic means either in person or by post to the Public Information Officer mentioned in paragraph 1.4 above and must be accompanied by an application fee of Rs.10/- by cash or by affixing court fee stamp or by postal money order or by demand draft or bankers cheque drawn in favour of C.M.W.S.S.B.
b. For providing information under sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Right to Information Act, the request shall be made as at (a) above and the fee as below should be paid as per the mode at (a) above. Rupees two for each page (in A4 or A3 size paper) created or copied
i. Actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size paper
ii. Actual cost or price for samples or models
iii. For inspection of records, no fee for the first hour; and a fee of Rs.5/- for every one hour (fraction thereof)
iv. For providing the information under sub-section (5) of section 7 of the Right to Information Act, the request
shall be made as above and the fee as below should be paid as per the mode above.
c. For information provided in diskette or floppy, @ Rs.50/- (Fifty) per diskette or floppy
d. For information provided in printed form, at the price fixed for such publication.
1.6 Persons below the poverty line are exempt from the payment of fee mentioned in paragraph 1.5 above for seeking information under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The list of persons below poverty line approved by the Government will be the basis for claiming this concession. An extract of the list, duly certified, will be sufficient to avail this concession.
1.7 The Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board has Appointed 21 Appellate Authority under Section 19(1) of the Act.