Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board

1. Regular Training programme is being conducted at the Metrowater Resource Centre for the benefit of public, private engineers, building workers on every alternative from 28.7.2001 onwards.
2. An information centre in co-ordination with TWAD Board was opened at the TWAD Board Head Quarters from 31.7.2001 onwards, and an Information Centre on RWH was opened from 10.8.2001 onwards at the CMWSSB Head Quarters.
3. For the Municipal Engineers and Executive officers of Municipalities/Town Panchayats of the Tamil Nadu State and adjacent Urbanised Areas a seminar was conducted 15.9.2001 at Sir Pitty Thiyagarayar Kalaiarangam, T.Nagar.
4. For the builders and architects the open house meet for RWH was conducted at CMDA, Conference Hall on 21.9.2001.
5. For the School Correspondents and N.S.S. Co-ordinators of all colleges of the Tamil Nadu State, a seminar was conducted on 15.12.2001 at Sir Pitty Thiyagarayar Kalaiarangam, T.Nagar.
6. For water forum 2002 MA&WS Secretary given lecture on Rain Water Harvesting held at Washington on May 6-9, 2002.
7. A live programme on Water for Thirsty in Pothigai TV (Tamil) Channel on 11.06.2002.
Demonstration Models
1. In Slums: CMWSSB installed direct connection of RWH in Nochikuppam for the benefit of economically weaker section.
2. In Schools: CMWSSB installed several type of RWH structures including Direct Collection, Open well Recharge and Borewell Recharge methods involving NSS students.
3. In Colleges: CMWSSB installed Percolation pits and Recharge wells as demonstration models for students.
4. In Govt. Buildings: In Secretariat Building and at Egmore Museum complex RWH structures constructed to recharge the underground aquifers.
5. Exhibition : Participated and exhibited RWH models in India International Trade Fair at New Delhi, Consumech Expo at India Trade Fair complex, Chennai and at Industrial Trade Fair at Island Grounds.