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Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board


Citizen's Charter


1.1. Sustainable improvement of water supply and sewerage disposal services for Greater Chennai City is the foremost objective of Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board. The Board visualizes that besides its mandate, awareness among the citizens as regards the water supply and sewerage system is of paramount importance CMWSS Board published a Citizen Charter in the year 1998 with the approval of the Government of Tamilnadu through their Order No.58, Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department, dated 16th April 1998. The changed scenario subsequent to publication of that Charter, warranted preparation and publication of a Revised and Expanded Citizen Charter. This Charter basically covers (a) the details of services rendered by the Board in respect of water supply and sewerage system, (b) the Rights of the Citizen and (c) their Responsibilities with regard to the Systems which serves their cause.

1.2. The Citizen's Charter attempts to clearly state the standards of service delivery and for developing a completely transparent administration by taking the consumer into confident. As the services of the CMWSSB are in conformity with the declared standards, certain service standards are further revised and included in the Citizen's Charter, 2021.

2. DEFINITIONS: Definitions for some of the terms used in this Charter are provided as below:

2.1. Added Areas: Added Areas means and includes those local bodies – panchayats and municipalities in the urban adjacent area of Chennai City annexed to form the Greater Chennai City.

2.2. Board : The Board means the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) and includes its Head Office, 15 Area Offices, 200 Depot Offices and other functional areas including Water Treatment Plants, Sewerage Treatment Plants, Water Distribution Station, Pumping Stations, Well Field, Training Centre and Quality Assurance Wingunder the control of Head Office. Board is also represented as Metro Water.

2.3. Consumer : Consumer means citizen of Greater Chennai City who has a water / sewerage connection managed by the Board and who pays the water/ sewerage tax and water/ sewerage charges within the prescribed time limit. It also includes those citizens residing within the operational jurisdiction of the Board.

2.4. Complaints: Complaint means a written statement of grievance presented either in person or through online method. This also includes grievances expressed through telephone or mobile application.

2.5. Grievance : A grievance means certain level of deficiency in the services provided by the Board in respect of water supply and sewerage disposal. Defective water supply and sewerage system can also form part of grievances of the Consumer.

2.6. Operational Area: Operational area means the operational jurisdiction vested with the Board for water supply and sewerage services within the geographical area of Greater Chennai City.

2.7. Payment Gateway: This means the selected net banking Facility adopted by the Board for receipt of dues from the consumers for water supply and sewerage related services. This will automatically appear in the payment screen for online payment.


The Board’s Objective is to enhance the health and quality life of Citizens in Greater Chennai City by providing them adequate supply of potable and good quality water and safe disposal of sewage/waste water at reasonable price. Towards this end, the consumer oriented CMWSSBwill be guided by the following:

  • Feedback from consumers
  • Delivering excellence in products and services
  • Doing business with ethics and integrity
  • Continuous endeavor to improve quality of service

4.1. Effecting New Water and Sewerage Connection with Transparency as the basic criteria

A comprehensive and holistic system has been introduced in sanctioning and effecting New Water/Sewer Connections. The new system includes:

a. Simplified application form For Core Chennai City limits:

i. A Single sheet application form can be used for new water/sewer connections or renewal/ shifting/ reconnection of existing water/sewer connections

ii. Fee Remittance Challan is available with the application form

iii. Only Six particulars are required to be filled up.

1. Name and Address of the Applicant

2. Address of the premises for which water/sewer connection

3. Whether Rain Water Harvesting structure provided

4. Metro water Area/Zone/Division Number

5. Calculation of equivalent dwelling units and connection charges

6. Amount payable

b. Application forms at free of cost is available atCMWSS Board Head office located at No.1, Pumping station Road,Chintadripet, Chennai – 600 002, 15 Area Offices and 200 Depot Offices

c. Application forms can also be downloaded from the CMWSS Boards’ official website namely

d. CMWSS Board has dispensed the system of licensed plumbers for submission of water/sewer applications. The connection proposals, Connection charges, Deposits etc can be self assessed and self certified by the applicant as per the ‘Guidelines/Instructions to the applicants’ issued along with the application form.

e. Applicants can register their water/sewer applications under ‘Single Window System’ at CMWSS Board Head office Registration Counter located at No.1, Pumping station Road, Chintadripet, Chennai – 600 002 for above G+2/S+2 buildings.

f. Work orders without inspection will be issued by the respective Area Engineers within 5 days from the date of registration of application

g. Connections are effected within 15 days from the date of registration of application on its merit

h. The details of applications registered, sanctioned and connection effected are fully computerized which is reviewed periodically by the Higher Officials of the Board.

i. The status of registered water/sewer applications are published periodically in CMWSS Board’s official website namely

j. Residential buildings upto 12 meter height not exceeding 3 dwelling units or 750m2 and all types of industrial buildings are exempted from producing completion certificate for availing water/sewer connection

4.2. Online Registration Process: Besides manual submission of application form in person, the Board has introduced the system of Online Submission. For the building up to G+2/S+2 the online submission consists of the following steps.

4.2.1. The consumer shall log on to the CMWSSB website, accesses the registration screen and fetch the property number and building type.

4.2.2. After registering their email and mobile number, one can access the registration form.

4.2.3. Then enter the PP/CMC No. and fill up the required details in the registration form

4.2.4. Based on the entered details, required amount to be paid is computed. Consumer to make the payment using the Payment Gateway of CMWSSB

4.2.5. On successful transaction, a unique registration ID is generated and the same ID will be displayed on the screen as well as emailed/SMS to the consumer

4.2.6. The details are forwarded to the concerned Depot Engineer for verification and further processing.

4.2.7. If there are no discrepancies found, a slot is allotted for the verification of premises and intimation is sent through SMS. In case there are discrepancies, the consumer will be notified through email / SMS. Then the consumershall make the required modifications and resubmit the application.

4.2.8. The premises of the applicant are verified on the given date and time.

4.2.9. If there are any discrepancies observed at the premises with reference to the details filled in the application, the details are updated and if any additional amount to be paid, an email/SMS is triggered to applicant

4.2.10. If there are no discrepancies observed, the Area Engineer approves the connection and allots a date for issue of connection. The same is intimated to the consumer viae-mail / SMS.

4.2.11. The Depot Engineer completes the connection process.

4.2.12. Once the connection is issued, the Depot Engineer records it in the system. As soon as a new connection is recorded, the consumer is automatically linked to the billing & collection system and charges to be raised automatically.

AzhaithalInaippu scheme:

A revolutionary Citizen Empowerment and service delivery scheme by CMWSSB in Chennai Core area (Area- 4,5,6,8,9,10,12,13) in which, the consumer can contact CMWSSB in 044-4567 4567or through online for registering the request for availing sewer connection in simple way at the door step within 15 days after remittance of full time payment for G+2/Stilt+3 floors and within 10 installments over 5 year period up to G+1 categories

IllanthorumInaippu scheme:

A revolutionary Citizen Empowerment and service delivery scheme by CMWSSB to implement Illanthorum Inaippu sewer connection scheme for all categories of building in the added areas(Area- 1,2,3,7,11,14,15)of Chennai city within 15 days after remittance of full time payment (G+3 and above building, All commercial building) and to pay Either full payment/ First installment out of 10 installments amount for (up to G+2/Stilt+3) buildings


Towards efficient service delivery, the Board has set certain standards in its performance and desires to disseminate information related to them to the Citizens. These standards are subject to periodical review and updation. Hence, the Citizen Charter 2021with the updated standards are as below:

Sl No Activity Prescribed Time
1 Issue of Application Forms at Head Office, Area Offices and Depot Offices at free of cost. On working days 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
2 Registration of Application Forms (acceptance of Application) only.
a) Up to G+2/Silt+2 (online)
b) Above G+2/S+2 building & MSB with C.C Registration at Head Office
On working days 10.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m.
3 Intimation to Applicant in case of deficiency in Application Form. Within 3 days from the date of Registration
4 Issue of Sanction Order Within 5 days from the date of Registration
5 Effecting House Service Connections Within 15 days from the date of Registration on its merits.
Sl No Activity Prescribed Time
1 Core Areas-Through “AzhaithalInaippu”(Area- 4,5,6,8,9,10,12,13) 15 days after remittance of full time payment for G+2/Stilt+3 floors and within 10 installments over 5 year period up to G+1 categories.
2 Added Areas-Through “IllanthorumInaippu”(Area- 1,2,3,7,11,14,15 ) 15 days after remittance of full time payment (G+3 and above building, All commercial building) and to pay Either full payment/ First installment out of 10 installments amount for (up to G+2/Stilt+3) buildings.
Sl No Activity Required Days  
1 Replacement of defective Water Meter. 7
2 Complaint regarding leakage in main  
  1. Service lines 3
  2. Distribution Main 5
  3. Transmission main 7
3 Complaint regarding pollution (Contaminated Water/ Quality of Water)  
  1. Where pollution point is easily identified 7
  2. Otherwise 15
4 Attending No Water Supply/Defective Water Supply 5
5 Attending repairs  
  1. Repairs to Hand pump 2
  2. Repairs to India mark pump 5
1 Blockage of Sewer Line (Mains) 4
2 House Sewer Block 2
3 Repair to damaged Sewer Line/Renewal of Sewer Line 20
E. OTHER SERVICES – Based on Request
1 Supply of water on non-receipt of piped water supply. Free Street Supply of water through Water Tanker within 4 hours of complaint.
2 Supply of water through Water Tankers on booking. Supply of water through Water Tanker within 24 to 48 hours from the date of booking on normal conditions.
3 Septic Tank Clearance Clearance of septic tank within 10 days from the date of booking.
F. Complaint Monitoring Escalation Matrix
Complaint Types Depot Engineer/SAO Deputy Area Engineer Area Engineer Superintendent Engineer Chief Engineer
Grievances Related to Water Supply (Maintenance Network) 3days 2days 2days 2days If not solved notification will be sent to CE
Grievances Related to Sewer (Maintenance Network) 3days 2days 2days 2days If not solved notification will be sent to CE
Grievances Related to Tax and charges 2days 2days 2days 2days If not solved notification will be sent to CE
Grievances Related to Mobile Water Supply 2days 2days 2days 2days If not solved notification will be sent to CE
Application for New water/Sewer connection related Grievances 7days 4days 3days 2days If not solved notification will be sent to CE
1 Head Office (On All days)
Complaints Cell/Call Center
24 Hours Phone 45674567
2 Area Office(On All working days)
(On Holidays)
10.00 a.m. to 5.45 p.m.
8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
3 Depot Office (On All working days) 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.

The Board is constantly working towards the goal of providing equitable adequate quantity of good quality water to the consumers in Chennai City and for effective disposal of sewage generated in the operational area. Towards successful and satisfied service needs, the Board has formulated and established various Grievance Redressal mechanisms with the objective of transparency in providing services to the citizens. The Board also welcomes Consumer comments, suggestions and inputs which shall enable improvement of service delivery and achieve efficiency in its operations. On receipt, the Board shall investigate it and report back to the complainant and do all that can be done to solve the problems and shall strive to address the issue as efficiently and effectively as possible. The different methods for registering the complaints are stated below:

6.1 24X 7 Complaint Cell
6.2 Online Complaints
6.3 E-mail complaints
6.4 Open House Meetings
6.5 Ungal Thoguthiyil Mudhalamaichar Complaints
6.6 Mobile APP for Grievance Redressal System
6.7 Social Media
6.8 National Help line number “14420”
6.9 Toll free number “1916”
6.1. 24X 7 Complaint Cell
  • 1. Complaints are received at the Board’s Head Office round the clock at Complaint Cell and communicated over mobile phone to the respective Depot Engineers.
  • 2. Online web based system was introduced for receipt of online complaints. After receipt of complaint, a unique reference no. will be automatically generated and sent to consumers through SMS as well as Depot Engineers.
  • 3. Telephone No. 45674567,14420,1916(Toll free) and 28454040 have been provided to the Complaint Cell which facilitate the consumers to lodge their complaints without any difficulty.
  • 4. Complaints are registered and immediately forwarded to the respective Area Office / Depot Office / SAO through the computer network.
  • 5. Mobile App complaint registering facilities were provided to the public, so that the Depot Engineers / Area Senior Accounts Officers/ Area Engineers / other Officers will easily identify the location and exact problem to attend the complaint immediately. After redress the issue will post the completion report with photos.
  • a. This is another feather in the cap for the Board in the matter of service delivery and redressal of complaints. For speedy redressal of complaints/grievance petitions, a web based system has been introduced for the benefit of consumers.
  • b. Computer terminals for all Depot offices (Division Offices), all Deputy Area Engineers, all Area Engineers, Grievance Cell and senior officers of the Board have been provided.
  • c. Consumers can lodge their complaints on Operation and Maintenance of water supply and sewerage disposal, Tax and Charges and other General grievances through the website of Chennai Metro Water
  • d. The complainant gets the Complaint Registration No. as soon as a complaint is registered in the website of the Board through SMS.
  • e. The complaint lodged will be communicated to the Depot Engineer/ Senior Accounts Officer through SMS immediately through online within a maximum time of 3 minutes in order to redress the complaint/petition immediately.
  • f. The New complaint monitoring system is linked with the maximum time limit for redressal given in the Citizen Charter
  • g. The new system of complaint monitoring facilitates, provision were given for escalation of complaint to the higher officers if not properly redressed within the time limit
  • h. Online complaints are attended immediately by the respective Officers and reply for action taken are sent to the complainant through SMS.
  • i. All the senior officers can view the pending complaints for any locations for any period. This facilitates monitoring of speedy redressal of complaints/ grievance petitions from the consumers
6.3. E-mail complaints:

All department and area offices are having exclusive email id’s which are published in the website. The General public raised complaints through mail and address to M.D/Exe.Dir/G.M and GR&FO. It has been forwarded to concerned location for proper reply. After receipt of proper reply from the field officer, the same will be published to public.

6.4. Open House Meetings

6.4.1 Most of the issues stated above do not involve one to one interaction of the consumers with the Board’s Officers (except in person filing of complaints). In order to here the grievances of the consumers with a one-to-one interaction, the Board had implemented the scheme of Open House Meeting, These Meetings are normally conducted on all the 2nd Saturdays of every month in all Fifteen Area Offices between 10.00 A.M. and 1.00 P.M.

6.4.2 Public, all Voluntary Organisations, Consumer Action Groups, Residents Associations & Representatives of all other concerned Interested Groups working in the Area are invited through Press Release.

6.4.3 Senior Officers of the Board (S.E Level) are posted as presiding Officers for the Open House Meetings.

6.4.4 Open House Meeting enable the participant public / customers to meet the officers and represent their grievances in person.

6.4.5 Open House Meeting enable the participant Public / consumers for sharing and contributing in the decision making by offering opinion / advice and suggestions for system improvement wherever necessary.

6.4.6 Minutes for the Open House Meetings are prepared and redressal of petitions / complaints received in the Open House Meeting are monitored.

6.5. UngalThoguthiyil Mudhalamaichar Complaints:

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of TamilNadu, launched a new scheme “UngalThoguthiyil MudhalAmaichar” (The Hon’ble Chief Minister in your constituency), has been launched vide G.O No.269,dated 07.05.2021. Under this scheme, Govt formed a new department to address all complaints of the people within 100 days.

6.6. Mobile APP for Grievance Redressal System :

“6.5.1 This application enables Citizens to report issues to the Board authorities any time, quickly and conveniently using a smart phone. Citizens are receive the status updates on the issues, which they reported.The consumer can download the Mobile App through the link: (

6.5.2 Introduction of this facility has largely improved the operational efficiency of the Board in terms of reporting of the problem and addressing the same with specific picture.

6.7. Social Media :

CMWSSB has also established connecting to the general public through social media viz., twitter and Facebook. The complaints posted on social media is monitored through a special team. The complaints are received and forwarded to the concerned departments. The feedback is posted back again after redressal.

6.8. National Help line number “14420”

To prevent the unsafe practices being adopted for cleaning/ maintenance of septic tank & sewer machine holes viz. non-wearing of safety mask, gloves and unauthorized entry into the septic tank/sewer machine holes, the Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs has launched “SafaimitraSuraksha Challenge” for mechanizing of all sewer and septic tank cleaning operations in the cities and created a dedicated 24x7 National helpline number for the use of the Citizens to register their complaints through any phones. The National helpline number “14420” has been introduced and functioning at call centre of Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board on 24x7 basis.

6.9. Toll free number “1916”

at free of cost for consumer to register the water/sewer allied complaint also installed at complaint cell

  • a. The Grievance Cell functions at Head Office, which handles all types of Grievances.
  • b. All the complaints / grievances on General Complaints (Water Supply & Sewerage), Tax & Charges, Vigilance Complaints, Request of the Employees etc. are registered at Grievance Cell.
  • c. The petitions received from the CM helpline, The Hon’ble Chief Minister’s Special Cell, Office of the Minister for Municipal Administration, Rural Development and Implementation of Special Programme, Office of the Mayor, MA&WS Dept. (Secretariat), Office of the Managing Director, Executive Director, Senior Officers of the Board, Government of India petitions, E-mail Complaints, through Mail Section of the Board are also registered at Grievance Cell.
  • d. The petitions received at Grievance Cell are immediately forwarded to the concerned officer / department for redressal and corrective measures are being taken. Follow up action and replies are sent to the petitioner with a copy to Grievance Cell.
  • e. Monitoring of the action taken on petitions is closely carried out by Grievance Cell and periodical review report submitted to the Senior Officers of the Board.
8.1 Adoption of Right Information Act,2005 :

8.1.1 Government of India’s Public Benefit Initiative of, “Right to Information Act, 2005 has been adopted by the Board and the public made aware of this. A request for obtaining information under sub-section (1) of section 6 of the RTI Act shall be made in writing either in person or by post to the Public Information Officer and must be accompanied by an application fee of Rs.10/- in the prescribed form. For providing information under sub-section (1) of section 7 of the Right to information Act, the request shall be made as above and the fee as applicable should be paid as per the mode.

8.1.2 Persons below the poverty line are exempted from the payment of fee for seeking information under the Right to Information Act, 2005. The list of persons below poverty line approved by the Government will be the basis for claiming this concession. An extract of the list, duly certified, will be sufficient to avail this concession.

8.1.3 The information sought for, will be furnished to the petitioner in 30 days. If the petitioner is not satisfied with the information, he/ she may apply for appeal petition, before the Appellate Authority.

8.2 Dial for Water:

“Dial for Water” is another innovative and consumer oriented facility introduced by the Board. It is a centralized booking facility using the Web Based Systems. Consumers using Internet can log into the web site namely, and once validated the consumer will be registered and allowed for Booking a Water Tanker by online payment. While booking for water, the consumer has to provide the details such as CMC no. and Mobile no. If the consumer is having arrear in the tax and charges, the booking cannot be registered. This system, by maintaining the seniority, prevents the corruptions in the mobile water distribution in all filling stations. The status of the booking – booked/ delivered/ cancelled will be informed to the consumer then and there through SMS and the consumer can also view the booking status through online.

8.3 Dial for Sewerage Services – Septic Tank Clearance :

8.3.1 The Hon’ble Minister for Municipal Administration, Rural Development and Special Programme Implementation, Government of Tamilnadu has announced on the floor of the State Legislative Assembly to “Provide sewer lorries on hire basis for cleaning septic tanks at reasonable cost by CMWSSB, instead of consumers hiring sewer lorries directly by themselves in the added areas at unreasonable hiring charges from private operators.”

8.3.2 Based on the above, CMWSSB have formulated “Dial for Septic Tank Clearance” scheme. The consumers in the added areas (Area I, Area II, Area III, Area VII, Area XI, Area XII, Area XIV & Area XV) of Greater Chennai Corporation can book sewer lorries to clear their Septic tanks through CMWSSB at a reasonable charge.

8.3.3 For Booking of sewer lorries, consumers in the added areas of Chennai city can visit or by dialing Call Centre 4567 4567. (CMC No. and Mobile no. are mandatory)

8.4 Information & Facilitation Counters :

8.4.1 While the consumers / public are at their will to register complaint regarding their grievances in respect of service delivery, seeking Information on various facilities rendered by the Board would go a long to satisfy the need of the consumers. With this in view, the activity of Information and Facilitation Counter has been introduced.

8.4.2 These counter functions at the Head Office of the Board and they assist and guide the consumers to lodge their complaints / grievance petitions on water supply and sewerage, tax and charges, new water and sewer connections and other services rendered by Metro Water.

8.4.3 The services such as New Assessment, Name Changes and Address Changes are taken care of at these counters and in the Information & Facilitation Cell at Area Offices.

8.4.4 The other services such as Annual Value Changes, Change of Classification, Cancellation of Wrong Demand, Excess Demand, Double Demand, Reconciliation of Payments already made, Sub-division, etc. are made through Billing and Collection Section of Areas.

8.4.5 Application forms for New Water and Sewer Connections, Registration of Contractors, etc. are issued at free of cost. Also providing services on clarifications on Tax and Charges.

8.4.6 Pamphlets such as : Complaints registration, Redressal & Monitoring System, Rain Water Harvesting, Prevention of throwing solid wastes in to the sewerage system, Citizen’s Charter, etc. are available at Information and Facilitation Counters for free of cost


There is one axiom that “Water Conserved is Water Produced”. True to this, the Board has been taking pioneering steps for implementation of Rain Water Harvesting and thereby enabling conserving and saving rain water. The Rainwater Harvesting helps the Board and the Consumers in the following ways:

  • To avoid water scarcity.
  • To augment ground water storage.
  • To avoid water table depletion.
  • To improve ground water quality.
  • To avoid sea water intrusion in coastal areas.
  • To mitigate flood water during monsoon.
  • To minimize the formation of cracks in buildings, in clay formation areas.
9.1. Rainwater Harvesting methods

The rain water harvesting structures have to be installed, based on soil conditions. In Greater Chennai City three different soil conditions exist, namely, a) Sandy area. b) Clay area and c)Hard rock area. The methods or procedures to be adopted for each type of soil are narrated below”

A) for sandy area.

1) Percolation pit

- constructed in the open space at required intervals.

- Size 1mx1mx1.5m( depth)

- They may be square /rectangular/ circular in shape

- Filled with sand at the bottom and pebbles/ gravels on above the land

-Covered with cement slab.

2) Recharge well

- size 3 feet dia. with 10 to 15 feet depth

- constructed with cement rings

- side walls must be perforated

- bottom one foot to be filled with gravels/ pebbles.

- Covered with cement slab.

B) for Clay area.

1) Percolation pit with bore hole:

- In addition to the percolation pit a bore hole has to drilled at the centre.

- constructed in the open space at required intervals.

- Pit size: 1mx1mx1.5m( depth) and bore hole size 150 – 300 mm dia. with 15 to 20 feet depth

- They may be square /rectangular/ circular in shape.

- Filled with pebbles/ gravels.

- Covered with cement slab.

2) Recharge well

- size 3 feet dia. with 10 to 15 feet depth

- constructed with cement rings

- side walls must be perforated

- Bottom one feet to be filled with gravels/ pebbles.

- Covered with cement slab.

C) for Hard rock area.

1) Percolation pit:

- constructed in the open space at required intervals.

- Size 1mx1mx1.5m( depth).

- They may be square /rectangular/ circular in shape

- Filled with sand at the bottom and pebbles/ gravels at the top.

- Covered with cement slab.

2) Recharge well

- size 3 feet dia. with 10 to 15 feet depth

- constructed with cement rings

- side walls must be perforated

- Bottom one feet to be filled with gravels/ pebbles.

- Covered with cement slab.

9.2. For the existing open well:

Apart from these, the rain water can be harvested in the existing open wells through a filter chamber.

- Water collected has to be sent to the top of the filter chamber

- Filter chamber size. 1mx1mx1.5 depth.

- Filled with sand at the bottom and pebbles / gravels at the top .

- Covered with cement slab

Rain Water Harvesting – Maintenance Methods:
  • Rainwater may be harvested in tanks / sumps and in open wells during rain..
  • The terrace should be maintained clean for rainwater harvesting.
  • The materials used for filtering rainwater should be cleaned properly.
  • After draining the initial flow of dirty rainwater for a few minutes and good quality water has to be collected for use.
  • For drinking purpose the collected water should be boiled.
  • The tank / sump / vessels used for collecting rainwater have to be cleaned and covered properly.
  • Proper disinfection should be done while storing rainwater. (5 gm. of bleaching powder may be added to 1000 lit. of water).
9.4. Provisions in the Chennai Metropolitan Area Ground Water(Regulation) Act 1987 and the Chennai Metropolitan Area Ground Water (Regulation) Rules,1988.:

9.4.1. The Ground Water Regulation Act 27/1987, as amended by the Act No. 37 of 2002 dated 24.10.2002stipulates that is mandatory to have and maintain Rainwater Harvesting structures in all premises including the existing ones.

9.4.2. For guidance or assistance for installation of Rainwater Harvesting structure, Consumers shall contact the Depot Offices / Area Offices concerned. The consumers can also contact the Rainwater Harvesting Cell at Head office, No.1, Pumping Station Road, Chintadripet, Chennai - 600 002 by Telephone No.28454080(direct) and 28451300, Extn. No.295


Rule 24 (A) of Chennai City Corporation Building Rules, 1972, has stipulated that in respect of Special/ Multi-storied Buildings, .there must be arrangements for separation of bath and wash basin water and for reuse of such water Accordingly the Board had issued a Circular vide CIR. No. CMWSSB/MDO/SPL/2017 dated 20.04.17 for implementation of this procedure. Accordingly, the respective Field Engineers of the Board shall advice the consumer to make such provisions for separation of bath and wash basin water. Upon separation, there must be adequate treatment facility to treat such water and to keep it for exclusive use of toilet flushing in their building. Such quantity of excess waste water not reused for toilet flushing had to be suitably connected to the rain water recharge structure for ground water recharge.

11. Rights and Responsibilities of the Consumers

In the foregoing paragraphs, the services provided by the Board and the mechanisms available for registering grievances and how they are attended to have been discussed. Successful maintenance of the water supply and sewerage systems depends not only by the role played by the Board but most importantly consumer awareness and their responsibility is highly significant. The rights and responsibility of the consumers are therefore narrated below.

11.1. Rights of the Consumers.:
  • The Consumer possess the Right to avail the services provided by the Board in respect of water supply and sewerage disposal facilities functioning in the Greater Chennai City.
  • By availing the services provided by the Board, the consumer has the right to lead a healthier and quality life .
  1. The consumer has the right to seek any clarification / advice from the Board in the matter of taxes and charges payable by them.
11.2. Responsibility of the Consumers.:
  • * The foremost responsibility of the Consumer is to resort to timely payment of water and sewerage tax and the water charges payable by them. This is because the Board needs adequate funds to spend for the services to be rendered..
  •  * There is perennial shortage of adequate water in the source lakes serving the Greater Chennai City. Therefore, the Consumers need to restrict the use of treated water for drinking and cooking purposes only.
  •  * As part of water conservation efforts, the consumer shall install maintain rain water harvesting facilities for which guidelines are available with the Board.
  •  * The Consumer shall inform the Board if they notice leaks or leaky service line on the city roads or storm water drain crossing.
  •  * Leaky plumbing systems in their premises must be rectified then and there.
  •  * The water sump and over-head tanks in their buildings must be periodically cleaned with disinfectant.
  •  * In the case of hand pumps, the consumer shall provide a way to drain the spilling flow.
  •  * The consumer shall report to the Board without fail any illegal direct motor sucking identified by them.
  •  * In respect of sewerage, the consumer shall provide gully, floor trap and gratings as per specific standards
  •  * Water is precious commodity and therefore misuse of water must be avoided.
  •  * Rainwater shall not be allowed to enter the sewer
  •  * Cloths, rags, broken crockery, cut pieces of vegetables / eatables etc, should not be thrown into sewer system
  •  * Heavy chemicals / paints, cement etc should not be allowed to flow into sewer system
  •  * Puncturing of Machine holes and removal of Machine covers should not be permitted
  •  * Animal waste like cow dung etc. should not be allowed to enter into sewer directly or indirectly.

Who is Who for the Service of the Consumers

1 Managing Director 28459000
2 Executive Director 28454000
3 Finance Director 28450125
4 Engineering Director 28457000
5 Chief Engineer (Operation & Maintenance - I) 28453002
6 Superintending Engineer(North)Area I,II,III 28451300
7 Superintending Engineer(North East)Area IV,V,VI 28459293
8 Superintending Engineer(Central),Area VII,VIII,IX 28459291
9 Superintending Engineer(South West)Area X,XI,XII 28451300
10 Superintending Engineer(South),Area XIII,XIV,XV 28459292
11 Executive Engineer (Registration) 28451300
12 Public Relations Manager 28451314
13 Grievance Redressal & Facilitation Officer 28451300
14 Area Engineer I 25991908
15 Area Engineer II 25940719
16 Area Engineer III 25530100
17 Area Engineer IV 25984647
18 Area Engineer V 25904310
19 Area Engineer VI 25517457
20 Area Engineer VII 26562457
21 Area Engineer VIII 26212101
22 Area Engineer IX 24996796
23 Area Engineer X 28150059
24 Area Engineer XI 24867244
25 Area Engineer XII 22331606
26 Area Engineer XIII 24451121
27 Area Engineer XIV 22422566
28 Area Engineer XV 24500262
29 Rain Water Harvesting Cell 28454080
30 E-mail

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