Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
Training Imparted to Public
Training of Engineering staff have been given priority soon after the formation of CMWSS Board. Accordingly training project was finalised in collaboration with the National Water Council of U.K. with financial assistance from the Overseas Development Administration (ODA) of the British Government. Metrowater as part of capacity building exercise has established its staff Training Centre during the year 1982.At present the Training Centre headed by Director in the cadre of Superintending Engineer under the control of Engineering Director. The location Training Centre campus is situated at No.56, Raji Street, Ayanavaram, Chennai 600 023 (adjoining the Kilpauk Water Treatment Plant campus)
- O&M Module
- Water quality module
- Sewage disposal module
- Human Resource Development
- Project Management module
- Financial management module
The above training courses are offered to various categories of staff viz. EEs, AEEs, AEs, JEs, SAOs, AOs, JAOs, Assistants, Junior Assistants, Electrical Operators, Depot Managers, Water Analysts and Field Workers.
Apart from the above, a special training program on 'Demonstration of utilisation of safety equipments in maintaining the sewerage system and safe working was conducted to all the Field workers and Field Engineers of CMWSS Board from April'12 July'12 and the training was well received by the participants.
Besides conducting training programmes for the staff of Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board the following five CPHEEO sponsored Refresher Courses viz., Corrosion Control, Sewage Works Supervisor, Filter Operation, Care and use of Chlorinators and Water Mains and Sewer Lines are being conducted every year during the period from November to February for Public Health Engineers across India.
Cource on "Water and Waste Water Management" for the Municipal Engineers of Bhopal, Gwallor and Indore, Madhya Pradesh.
Basic Course on "O&M of Sewerage Facilities and sewage Treatment plants" for Technical operators and Intermediate Course for the Assistant Engineers, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Goa and Maharashtra. Supported under Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) in association with National River Conservation Directorate(NRCD).
Course on "Maintenance of Sewerage system and the precautionary to be taken during cleaning of sewerage system" for the Engineers of Mununicipalities/Corporations under TNUDG - III.
The field training was given to 1274 field workers in their locations on "Safety Practices"emphasizing the Government order on Prohibition of Employment as Manhole scavenger and their Rehabilitation Act 2013 and Safety procedure to be adopted in handling the equipments used for Sewerage System maintenance.
The course on "AUTO CAD 2015 - Cvil"has been conducted for Board Engineers (37 nos.) under Need Based Assessment.
The G.O.Ms.No.293, MAWS , dt.26.11.2010 stated that ban on entry of workers into the sewerage system and septic tanks. In this connection DMA has requested CMWSS Board to conduct the training programme on Maintenance of sewerage system and the precautionary measures to be taken during cleaning of sewerage. Accordingly 331 Nos. of Public Health staff and 171 Nos. of Engineers of various Municipalities / Corporations was given the above training programme between 3.12.2010 to 25.01.2011 and the same was very well received by the participants.
The policies relating to the functioning of the Training Centre are approved by a Governing Council consisting of the following members:
To conduct need based training for various college students & institutions in Envionmental area. The training Centre is a recognised as a collaborative research leading to Ph.D/MS
- Managing Director - Chairman
- Executive Director - Vice Chairman
- Finance Director - Member
- Engineering Director - Member
- Director - (Training Centre)
A) The facilities available at the Training Centre are listed below
- Air conditioned Class Rooms (3 nos)
- Meeting hall
- Hostel (11 rooms)
- Demonstration Laboratory for both water and sewage analysis.
- Training Workshops-2 Nos
- Demonstration manholes
- Water pipe lines with specials
B) Library:
There is a modern library at the Training Centre. It has a collection of about 2860 books covering Engineering, Technology, Management, Training, Finance disciplines, Computers, as well as operational manuals, specifications and ISI codes.
The Government has allotted Rs.170 Lakhs as grant for the improvement works to the Training Centre under Part-II Schemes. The following works are covered under this schemes.
- Conversion of Existing library into meeting hall
- Conversion of Computer room into library including provision of computers and internet facilites
- Improvement works for Administrative office by enlarging the Director (TC) chamber and providing cubical enclosures for Dy Director (TC), A.E.E'S S.A.O and A.E'S/J.E'S
- Providing Gardening and Landscaping work work at Training Centre campus
- Conversion of existing workshop into Exhibit Hall
- Renovation of civil works to the existing hostel building at Training Centre
- Renovation of the electrical items at the Hostel building Training Centre
As of now the first 4 works have been completed and the balance 3 works are under progress.
To improve the potentiality and the personal assessment for promotion of the staff. Training Centre conducts Departmental tests for all the specific 11 subjects.
9. Field Visit of Board's WTP/STP'S
The students / Faculty members who wish to visit any of the Board's Water Treatment plants (Kilpauk water Treatment plant / 300 MLD WTP at Puzhal / 530MLD WTP at Chembarambakkam ) or sewage Treatment plants ( Kodungaiyur STP / Koyambedu STP/ Nesapakkam STP / Perungudi STP ) at Rs.20/- head / plant subject to the minimum of Rs.1000/- per batch per plant. The payment may be made either through Demand Draft payable at Chennai in favour of Resource Centre. CMWSSB or cash payment vide current A/c. No.8439201000239 in any branch of Canara Bank. Please enclose the original counterfoil for according approval.