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Consumerwise New Water Connection for Commercial and Industries Dashboard for the Month of August, 2024

S.No Application No. Registration Date Date of providing water connection Connection Charge Advance Tax Meter Testing Charges Infrastructure Development Charge Total Days Count
1 WI202327237 07-02-2024 03-08-2024 37500 15000 100 1,14,835 2,04,935 178
2 WI202432082 17-02-2024 26-08-2024 30000 0 100 1,26,752 1,56,852 191
3 WI202327952 01-03-2024 24-08-2024 1,42,500 0 200 4,86,312 3,58,512 176
4 WI202431628 03-04-2024 14-08-2024 30000 0 100 0 30100 133
5 WI202429379 10-04-2024 12-08-2024 15000 0 100 0 15100 124
6 WI202429785 29-04-2024 06-08-2024 15000 0 100 0 15100 99
7 WI202431420 25-06-2024 17-08-2024 22500 0 100 1,01,095 22600 53
8 WI202431388 10-07-2024 05-08-2024 7500 0 100 0 7600 26
9 WI202431392 10-07-2024 16-08-2024 7500 0 100 21447 29047 37
10 WI202431511 16-07-2024 01-08-2024 7500 0 100 0 7600 16
11 WI202431570 18-07-2024 23-08-2024 45000 0 100 1,85,049 45100 36
12 WI202431773 27-07-2024 07-08-2024 7500 0 100 0 7600 11
13 WI202431805 29-07-2024 30-08-2024 45000 0 100 2,03,420 45100 32
14 WI202432006 08-08-2024 31-08-2024 7500 3000 100 0 10600 23
15 WI202432044 09-08-2024 19-08-2024 22500 0 100 85793 22600 10
16 WI202432129 14-08-2024 16-08-2024 15000 0 100 74218 15100 2
17 WI202432240 20-08-2024 28-08-2024 22500 0 100 0 22600 8
18 WI202432251 21-08-2024 23-08-2024 22500 0 100 99120 22600 2
19 WI202432286 02-08-2024 08-08-2024 15000 0 100 0 15100 6
