Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
Particulars of Organisation, Functions and Duties
Till about the middle of 19th Century Chennai received water from local shallow wells and tanks. Mr. Fraser, a Civil Engineer forwarded a proposal to the Government to tap the Koratalayarriver which is situated about 160 km north west of Chennai and it was accepted. The works were completed in 1870 at a cost of 18.50 lakhs. In 1872 a Valve house at Red Hills and an earthen supply channel to supply water to Chennai by gravitation was constructed. At Chennai end, the channel delivered water by gravity to a masonry shaft at Kilpauk from which the cast iron mains of the city branched off and a scientifically designed water supply distribution system was established.
Accordingly to J.W. Madley, Special Engineer, Corporation of Chennai considered sufficient for an anticipated population of 6.6 lakhs in 1961 at 25 gallons per head per day.
The work of water supply distribution and sewerage work were looked after by Water Works Department and Special Works Department of Corporation of Chennai respectively.
Subsequently in 1978, CMWSS Board was formed by an Act called Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1978, CMWSSB stands committed to making a positive contribution to improve the Chennai City environment and to enhance the health and quality of life for the citizens in Chennai City by providing them with adequate supply of safe and good quality water, by collection, treatment and safe disposal of sewage at a reasonable price, and by providing customer service in prompt and courteous manner. this would be achieved through several measures such as - by
- providing reliable and equitable water supplies in compliance with statutory standards.
- collecting wastewater, treating and returning it to the environment, or arranging its re-use having regard to impact and in compliance with statutory standards.
- using assets more efficiently to deliver the best possible service.
- providing timely information to stakeholders and communicating with customers.
- developing long term strategies and actions.
- achieving sustainable financial self-sufficiency.
- maximizing employee potential.
- monitoring performance.
Functions of the Board:
1. The Board shall perform all, or any of the following functions namely:
- promoting or securing the planned development, efficient operation, maintenance and regulation of water supply and sewerage system in the Chennai Metropolitan Area.
- preparing long term plans to meet the future requirements of water supply and sewerage in the Chennai Metropolitan Area, based on estimates of demand, surveys on availabilities and usage of water and other relevant matters and periodically reviewing, revising and bringing up-to-date such plans.
- undertaking developmental activities with a view to meet the future requirements of water supply and sewerage in the Chennai Metropolitan area.
- operating and maintaining the water supply and sewerage services in the Chennai Metropolitan Area to the best advantage of the inhabitants of that area.
- such functions relating to water supply or sewerage as the Govt. may by notification, entrusts to the Board provided that such entrustment shall be with the Board's concurrence, if it does not relate to anything to be done in respect of the Chennai Metropolitan Area.
- any other matter which is supplemental, incidental or consequential to any of the above functions.
- such other functions as may be entrusted to the Board by or under any other law for the time being in force.
2. In the discharge of its functions the Board shall.
- have due regard to public health, safety and convenience of the public.
- consult and collaborate with the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority in regard to planning and undertaking development activities connected with the water supply and sewerage systems for the Chennai Metropolitan Area end extend full assistance to and co-operate with the local authority in relation to matters connected with water supply systems or water works or sewerage works or road works or similar works.
- be guided by such instructions on questions of policy involving public interest as may be given to it by the Government and incase of any difference of opinion as to whether a question is or is not a question of policy involving public interest, the decision of the Government thereon shall be final.
3. Subject to the provisions of this act, the Board shall exercise all powers, perform all functions and carry out duties in respect of water supply and sewerage systems in the Chennai Metropolitan Area to the exclusion of any Department of the Government or any other existing authority.
4. The Board shall endeavor to be financially self supporting, and shall for this purpose so conduct its affairs that is income is adequate to meet all its outgoings, provisions for or allocations towards future obligations and costs.
5. The Board shall furnish from time to time to the Government such returns and information as the Government may require.
2.1. Objective/purpose of the public authority:
The CMWSS Board was constituted under the CMWSS Act 1978 (Act No.28 of 1978) to attend to the growing needs of water supply and sewerage services in the Chennai Metropolitan area with particular reference to the protection of public health and for all matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The administration of the Board is governed by the Board consisting of Board of Directors headed by theHon’ble Minister, Municipal Administration&Urban Water Supply Department as its Chairman.
The Managing Director is the Chief Executive Authority to the Board and is in charge of the day-to-day administration of the Board and exercises supervision and control over the employees of the Board. The Managing Director is assisted by the following Heads of Departments.
- Executive Director
- Finance Director
- Engineering Director
- Secretary - Cum General Manager
The Duties and Responsibilities of the Officers:
The Executive Director is an I.A.S., Officer and he is also a whole time Director and member of all Statutory Committees in the Board. The all administration matters related to Board are thoroughly examined and approved by him before submit to Managing Director, Finance Department and Data Processing Wing are functioning under the control of Executive Director.
The Secretary- Cum General Manager is the head of Department for Personnel and Administration Department. The District Revenue Officer is holding this post. The P & A Department is responsible for the following functions.
- Recruiting of Personnel
- Disciplinary proceedings
- Employees Records
- Manpower Development
- Industrial Relations
- Public Relations
- Office Services
- Maintenance of Records
The Secretary-Cum General Manager is assisted by the Public Relations Manager, Industrial Relations Manager and Staff Manager. The Sections in Personal and Administration Department are working under the control of the following officers.
- Secretary-cum-General Manager - Board Section, Vigilance Cell and Legal Cell.
- Public Relations Manager - PRL Section
- Industrial Relations Manager - LR, LRR and RR Section
- Staff Manager –R&A, SR, Mails and Record Section
- Grievance Redressal& Facilitation Officer – RTI Section and Grievance Cell
The General Manager is the Vigilance Officer and also Secretary to the Board.
The Finance Director is the Head of Finance Department which is responsible for Financial administration and matters relating to finance and audit. He is assisted by Chief Controller of Finance, Controller of Finance and Deputy Controller of Finance. The Internal Auditor is functioning directly under the control of Finance Director and assist him in conducting Internal Audit Management Audit and settlement of audit objections.
The Engineering Director is the Head of Department of Engineering Wing which is responsible for Technical matter relating to Operation and Maintenance of Chennai City, Construction of Water Supply Scheme / Underground Sewerage Scheme of Chennai City and Adjacent Areas of Chennai city, Training Centre, Planning & Design, Quality Assurance and Materials Department are under the Control of Engineering Director. He is assisted by C.Es / S.Es., concerned.
The functional duties of the Board are carried out at Area level by 15 Area Engineers and at Regional level by 2 Regional Officers and two Treatment Plants by Plant Engineers.
A Dispensary is functioning in the Head Office campus with a Doctor and supporting staff to provide medical treatment to the employees of the Board.
Our mission is to enhance the health and quality of life for citizens in Chennai City by providing them adequate supply of clean and good quality of water and safe disposal of sewage/waste water at reasonable price.