Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board
IT Department
In CMWSS Board, the Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system had been implemented during Apr’2007. The following Computer application modules have been implemented in Head office, 15 Area offices, 200 Depot offices, 2 Central Stores, Quality Control Wing, Sewerage Treatment Plants, Region 1, Region 2 and Training Centre.
- Billing and Collection (Oracle Receivables)
- Payables, Receivables, Cash Management, Fixed Assets, Projects and General Ledger (Oracle Financials)
- Oracle Purchasing and Inventory.
- Payroll, GPF and Pension (Energise Application and Integrated with Oracle apps)
Billing & Collection System
In order to have single application and single database for Billing & Collection system, the existing Oracle ERP system, web based system and Internet payment have been migrated into new web based Billing & Collection system using open source ( PHP and PostgreSQL ) and this system went live on 07.03.2022. The following benefits for implementation of new web based system.
- Three ways of receipts are merged into one way of receipt collection with instant update.
- Work flow setup has been introduced to control the changes of data at different level
- DCB can be taken from Area to Consumer level with all component like Tax, Unmetered Charges, Metered Charges, Meter & Sewer Charges and Sewer Charges
- Separate Consumer login has been provided to view the status of record.
- Officials can view the any records at anywhere with Internet.
- MIS reports are provided to Top Management to take necessary action to improve collection.
- Official login is provided to navigate the functionalities which are used to view the consumer records and change the consumer records.
Online Services
- Public Grievances and Redressal System :
General Public can lodge their complaints through the website of Chennai Metro Water (https://cmwssb.tn.gov.in). The complainant gets a complaint number as soon as a complaint is registered in the website. Complaints are immediately transferred to the officers concerned through SMS and their redressals are monitored.
- Book a Water Tanker (DFW 2.O)
Consumer can registers for water tanker supply with the existing Consumer Number and mobile number is mandatory. Registration will be done for one CMC number and will be associated with a unique mobile number. It will check whether any due for water tax and charges. If due is nil only, a SMS will be sent to consumer about successful registration and their registration number. The following categories are to be allowed in the website while booking for Dial for Water.
-- Domestic cases – Domestic
-- Partly Commercial cases – Commercial
All requests for water supply will be routed through Call Centre / Online (CMWSSB website). If arrears are more than one half year, booking cannot be made. On booking by a registered consumer, SMS is sent to AE- Filling Station and the Consumer. On delivery completion, consumer is notified by SMS.
- Book a Sewage Tanker
Provide sewer lorries on hire basis for cleaning septic tanks at reasonable cost by CMWSSB, instead of consumers hiring sewer lorries directly by themselves in the added areas at unreasonable hiring charges from private operators.
The consumers in the added areas (Area I, Area II, Area III, Area VII, Area XI, Area XII, Area XIV & Area XV) of Greater Chennai Corporation can book sewer lorries to clear their Septic tanks through CMWSSB at a lowest cost of Rs. 650/- per 6000 Litres.
For Bookings of sewer lorries, consumers in the added areas of Chennai city can visit (https://cmwssb.tn.gov.in). or by dialing Call Centre 4567 4567. (CMC No. and Mobile no. are mandatory)
- Filling Point Monitoring System :
The Filling Point staff will have the provision to enter the details pertaining to the following categories Free Supply, Tank Supply, Dial for Water, Paid Supply, Fire Services, VIP and Emergency supplies.
The Filling Point Staff will enter the date and time, lorry designated, type of supply for the different time slots and Lorry march out time can also be updated and will have to update the supply details lorry number wise for the next day. The supply and route details can be entered in advance before one week also.
- Online new water / sewer connection:
The online new water / sewer connection upto G+2 floors launched in web portal from Oct’2018 onwards. The application registered in the online through website by the consumer and online payment provision is available. Consumers can make payment through Debit / Credit card / Net banking facility. Subsequently the application received in the Depot Engineer login and it will be scrutinized and fix the inspection date in the login and the sms alert automatically sent to the consumer. After completing the clarification through online and effecting the connection by the Depot engineer and the date of connection entry made in the system for raising of demand.
- Azhaithal Iniappu
In addition to the above, the online sewer connection facility provided to the consumer in the name of Azhaithal Inaippu and Illanthorum Inaippu. In the Azhaithal Inaippu scheme, the consumer apply for the sewer connection through (https://cmwssb.tn.gov.in). web portal by using their mobile and OTP based validation system or making call to the call centre located in Head office to book the sewer connection. Further process are the same like online new water/sewer connection. The consumer can make payment by two methods either single mode or installment This scheme exclusively for core areas 2, 4 , 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and,13 only.
- Illanthorum Inaippu
For the Added Areas 1, 3, 7, 11, 14 and 15, the sewer connection is provided through Illanthorum Inaippu. In this scheme, the Depot Engineer directly collect the application from the location and apply through URL provided to them. Details entered by the Depot Engineer and subsequently prepare the estimate and the same intimated to the consumer through SMS for making payment in the area cash counter. In this scheme, the connection effected first and the consumer can make payment by two methods either single mode or installment. Further process are the same as online new water / sewer connection.
- Ground water Licenses (Registration of Wells).
The residents, private lorry owners, packaged drinking water units are requested to follow the procedure for getting a license.
Necessary application forms for sinking wells, extraction or use of ground water, transportation of ground water, Permit for sinking well and Register of well are available in the CMWSS Board Head office and respective Area office / Depots free of cost, and are also available in Metro water's website (https://cmwssb.tn.gov.in).
The public are requested to download the pdf format in the website, apply immediately and hand over the filled in forms to the respective Area/Depot offices or through online at the earliest for regularization of existing well, extraction of ground water and transportation of ground water in Chennai City within a period of 90 days
Mobile Apps
CMWSS Board has introduced a Mobile App for Grievance Redressal for General Public / Consumers to register the water and sewer related complaint pertaining to Metro Water to the concerned officials quickly at anytime, anywhere and conveniently through their mobile phone. Further, the consumers can also upload picture / photo (if any) related to water complaints for better understanding of the issue.
For registering the complaint, the user has to select the type of compliant and proceed with entering the required details and submit the complaint. On registering the complaint, a unique Complaint Number will be generated and the same will be sent by SMS. The public can also view the status, action taken details and closure remarks of their complaints through the same App itself.
Steps to install
- Search “Metro Water” in Google Play Store.
- Click Install.
- Open Metro Water App.
- Click “New Registration” button in the app.
- Enter Username, Full name, Mobile No, Email, Password then click “submit” button.
- On submitting, One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to the Mobile No.
- Enter OTP Number to confirm.
- Sign in with user name/ mobile no & password.
Steps to Register
- On signing in to the App, the consumer has 2 options of registering complaints.
- General Complaints.
- Individual Complaints.
- In General Complaints, enter all the fields like complaint type, locations, images, remarks and click “submit” button.
- In Individual Complaints, enter your CMC number.
- After entering valid CMC Number, name, address will be automatically listed and the consumer has to enter the complaints & remarks field.
- After Submitting the complaint, SMS will be sent to the registered mobile number.
- To check the complaint status, click complaint status button, and all complaints raised by the user will be listed with status.
- If the complaint is resolved & verified, the complaint will be moved to Closed complaint status.
24x7 Grievance Cell
Complaints are received in person or by phone(044-4567 4567) at the 24 Hours Complaints Cell in the Head Office. They are registered and immediately transferred to the Area Office / Depot Office concerned through Online Grievance Redressal System and by text message through SMS to the concerned Depot Engineers / Area Engineers and Senior Accounts Officers. Simultaneously a unique complaint registration number is informed through SMS to the complainants.
After redressal of the complaint by the Depot Engineer, action taken report is updated in the computer. Further, the complaint cell will call the customer and confirm with consumers about the correctness of the field report. Regarding pending complaints, necessary instructions will be given to the concern depots to attend the complaints immediately.
The Grievance Monitoring System facilitates escalation of complaints to the higher officials if not redressed within the time limit. All the senior officers can view the pending complaints for any locations for any period.